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Terminal plugin for sublime

  1. Fully packaged
  2. Currently with option to open new tab on OS X (works fine on 10.8)
  3. Sublime Text 3 beta support

How to install ?

From git:

git clone git://

From package control

Just type MacTerminal


  1. How do I use this ?

    Just use "ctrl+command+t" while editing file to open terminal with cd to directory where the file exists.

    You can also use the "Open in terminal" option in sidebar.

  2. How can I change shortcut ?

    Go to:

    Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences     -> Package Settings -> Macterminal -> Key Bindings - User

    and add something like:

    { "keys": ["super+t"], "command": "open_mac_terminal" }
  3. The "Open in terminal" is greyed out. This happens when there is no opened file and for now I don't know if this is just a sublime bug or I need to change something. For now I saw the same behavior in

  4. How to I use it with iTerm 2 ? Simply go to:

    Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Macterminal -> Settings - User

    and add:

        "terminal"   :  "iterm"

    If you wish you can also change it in Settings - Default.

  5. How do I change path to osascript ?

    To check what is path for osascript just open terminal and type:

    which osascript

    With path simply go to:

    Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Macterminal -> Settings - User

    and add:

        "osascript"   :  "/usr/bin/osascript"
  6. Can I always open main directory of project ?

    From version 2.0 you can.


    Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Macterminal -> Settings - User

    And set :

        "directory_mode" : "project"

    From now on if you have only 1 directory added to project it's going to be opened by default. If you have more than 1 directory in your project you'll see quickpanel to select what you would like to open.

    Thanks @dirajkumar for the idea !

  7. Its not working for me.

    First of all enable debug mode. To do this open your settings and add: "debug": true

    After this try to open terminal again. If it's not working (and debug shouldn't repair the problem) open sublime console (default shortcut is ctrl+`) and open new issue with log between ---MacTerminal Debug Start--- and ---MacTerminal Debug End---.

    You can always ping me on twitter or simply write issue on github.


You can follow me on twitter: @afterdesign or find me on coderwall: @afterdesign or find me on g+: +RafaƂMalinowski


Licensed under the MIT license.